jueves, 10 de octubre de 2019

A challenge that I Overcame...


When I was child, in the school, I couldn't write or elaborate on the answers in the exams.

This was a very very VERY dificult to me.
And in the Language class I really couldn't do practically nothing.
This was something that prevented me express myself in anything that I could think about any topic.

When I was in 7th grade, my Language teacher was very strict with everything related to writing.
She said me: "You need think what you feel about something, you can try to express this thinkings in words, and then you will could capture it in the paper".
Back then, I thought that these was imposible to me. 
Initially I seriously wanted to hate this teacher. But, I couldn't. 
Because she was a VERY stric teacher, (and because I hated to write) but she had a big heart.
She believed in me.
Probably the easyest part to learn to write was the works about diferents books.
Because I love reading, and starting there was less difficult and unknown.
And she said: "It's a matter of practice".
I tryed, tryed, and tryed....
And slowly I could to write more and more.

Finaly the teacher said me that I was her student that better write.
It was a hard road, but it was worth it.
And I was rewarded for it (only to learn).

Then: I overcame that obstacle and reached a great goal that seemed unattainable.

And... today, write is one of the things that I enjoy doing the most.

A Sight to the Future...


"The Future"...
The future offers you an unlimited amount of possibilities that you could imagine.
Well, I think that the future is totally unpreductable.
I can do plans to the future, but I can't even know what will happen tomorrow.
This is a first indication very disconcerting.

I think that the first part is have aspirations to the future, goals, and some plans... but above all live the present thinking in a near future.

For example, now (probably) we can say that the wolrd is dying.
Then, in 30 years more... I don't really know how will is the wolrd. Maybe is a horrible future, maybe is a utopic future. (sorry, the books stories influence me a little jeje)

Then, 10 years is less time... 
If I think, in 10 years in the future I think that the wolrd will be hotter, less green, more little, more dry.... more ugly.
Probably, the society (just maybe) will be more tolerant, more comprehensive, more consciuos, more including.... I hope.
Or also could be quite the opposite.

The people sometimes is contradictory.
Like Einstein said: "Human stupidity knows no bounds"

If I think in 10 years in the future in my life, I could say that I will am an Architect, I would like to have a book (yes, my own book). Probably I will have a boyfirend or a husband (I don't know).
Maybe we could have a child.
And obviously I will live in my own house (or apartment).
I think that probably I will am a person that will do many things like work, because always I have been MULTIFACETED.

I remember that some years ago I had a "Life Plan" or something like that. But today I can say that plan died. More and less, or at least the deadlines. But this not affect to me. Just understended that the life doesn't work as a schedule to meet. 
It's freer. And I like it.

... But if I really think in the future like a very unlikely probability... in MY future... I only think one thing:
Whaterver thing that I will doing in that moment... 
I hope to be HAPPY ^-^

martes, 8 de octubre de 2019

My First Birthday


I don't know if this count like remember, but now I want to talk about my first bithday.

I only can to talk about this because my mom tell me about this moment. 
I don't rememeber anything about this day.
But my parents have some photos and one video of this "event".
I have not seen this things for a long time. But I will talk about what I remember of the memory.

Really this was a simple celebration.

I am the eldest of my brothers and me, and for this I was the first babe of my parents.
In this time we were a family of only three persosns: My dad, my mom and me.
And when I born my parents lived with my great-granmother. Then, I lived in these house around of three years (when my brother born).

Well, this was a winter day (24th, June), was cloudy, and I suppose that cold, because in the video all we are warp up.
In my first celebration for exist in this world we were: My great-grandmother, my mom, my dad, one uncle and me. Only we.

I know that they sang me the "Happy Birthday" song, with a sponge cake (I still didn't have teeth).
I had gifts (of wich I don't remember).
And, if I remember correctly, I think that when they sing me "Hapy Birthday" song I began to cry.
(I'm sorry, I don't knew why they sang)

And, that is all. 
I only thinked that would interesting try to remember my first birthday, because is a situation in our lifes that no one really remember, and probably in the future I could forget this too.

(If I found a picture of this day I will put here)



If I could have a one-on-one conversation, with whatever person in the existence of the world, probably I chose to one especific person of the past:

Leonardo Da Vinci.

Resultado de imagen para da vinciI don't remember exactly how (or when) I hear about Da vinci for firts time. But possibly was when I was a child, because I have in my memory images about his pictures or his works, that I think to saw in the cartoons in the TV, or that my teachers mentioned in classes.

Da Vinci was a polymath. He had knowledge about many differents topicts and he learned to do about so many works. He could to do a little of everything.
He was really awesome!!

Imagen relacionadaI think that initialy when I hear about Da Vinci, and saw his paints I felt admiration, but in these moment he wasn't yet really interesting to me. 

Later, when I was an adolecent, and could understand more about him, I began to know his life, his talents, and all his work. 
And now I really admire to Da Vinci. Is like an inspiration to me.
For this reason in my last year of the school I did my last and important homework inspired on Da Vinci. 
I wrote something like a parchment, and I wrote this like Da Vinci wrote: REVERSED.
Yess, is incredible.
He wrote reversed (like something normal) because he didn't want that other persons could to read and understand his ideas... and maybe steal them.
Also, I take one of his architecture maps, and did a scale model of this (that was and model that Da Vinci never build in the real life)

Imagen relacionadaAnd well, if I could go to the past, or travel trought in the time (with a time machine, I suppose), definitly I go to talk with Leonardo Da Vinci, although at first I would not know what to say. I really would want (and need) to aks al types of questions.
But I have someone important thing that I want to know, I would say:
"Where do you get all your inspiration?"

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2019

A Family member


I love all the memebers in my family, but today I want to talk about especificly of one person:

My Cousin.

His name is Felipe, and he is 23 years old..
In fact his birthday was three days ago (in the 9th September).

Our relationship is very close, he is my more closer cousin.
First. because he is the son of the brother of my father.
And second, just because.

We don't see each other very often, because he lives in Talca.
(My dad is of Talca, then his father, my uncle is of Talca too, and they live there)

Even so, in general, we see in the holydays (but not always).
And in the rest of time we talk for Whatsapp from time to time.

He is a person very important to me because is a brother to me.
Since I have memory we always played meny many plays like, hide and seek, or play station, or we play in the pool, or with the ball... and many plays more. We played whatever thing.

We grow up together, then his existence is very important to my for many reasons.
I have so much memories with him.

And I remember one day in the summer vacation, around of the year 2012, when we have 14 and 12 years old (more or less) and as he is a little more old that me, sometimes I was influenced to him. And this day He had the idea of not dream this nigth and see the twilight in the morning.
But finally I was very sleepy and we went to sleep.
Equally is a good an fany memory.

And I hope do many memories more.

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

My Best HOLIDAY...


Around about 2012, when I was 14 years old, my family and me went to Las Termas De Chillan in the summer vacations. Specifically we went to a cabin that we have in this area.
And I remember that this was the first time that we went to "The Cabin", when this was newly built (because building it took a long time).

The trip between Santiago and Chillan is around seven hours. I'm not really sure if it was for this reason, but we stayed there for two weeks. But it was even longer, because we met with more family in the way.

In this travel I went with my mom, my dad, my brother, my sister (we are from Santiago), and my uncle, my cousin, my grandfather and my grandmother (they are from Talca).

I think that this was one of my best, and my favorite travels in a holiday for differents reasosns:

1st. We visited many places, like two or three diferent thermal springs. And one of them had a water slide. But the big pool was the better part.

2nd. We ate some things very delicious. We ate "Mote con Huesillo" (but I ate without Huesillo), it was so cold and sweet. Also we drank a milkshake of berrys, and I loved it.

3rd. And the best part was visiting the surrounding places. For example, we walk for the forest, and we discovered places so beautiful. Also we went to the river and I found amazing stones. And we bathed there because in the summer this is a very hot place.

But in the night it is quite the opposite. The weather is so cold!! And we wraped up and we went out to see the stars.

Probably this last was the BEST part of all the travel.

jueves, 22 de agosto de 2019

A Villian that I LIKE...


Well, I don't really "like" this villian, but I even so can hate them. He is this types of villians that is the GREATEST VILLIAN of this movie, but you can hate them for differents reasons.

And this villian is....


(Or Tom Marvolo Riddle)

Lord Voldemort is the principal villian of the Harry Potter Saga (books and movies). Along of this movies the story present you many and differents villians, but Voldemort is THE VILLIAN. 
Without him probably we don't have a story to tell, and in this magic, fantasy, fictitious world a catastrophe wouldn't happen.

I saw this villian/movie for first time when I was very little, in fact I was so so little that I couldn't really understen the plot of the movie.
But I would can say that the first time that I remember was around to when I went on 1st Grade of the school (probably... mabye I have a more old remember, I don't know exactly).

The interesting of Lord Volvemort, and the reason for that I think that is not a horrible villian, is His Past. His past help you to understand that he is not just because.
I'm not justifying it, but he suffered so much in his chilhood. 
He was abandoned by his family.
And lived in a orphanage. 

And he HATE the world for this reason.

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2019

A Family Meal...


In my chilhood I have very special moments with my family that I save with much love. But I have a memory that I remember like a very pretty and nice day.
I don't remember so clearly this day, but I remember this:

When I was around 12 years old, on the 18th of September Vacations my family (my parents, and my brother and sister) and me went to Talca for this week, and same as all years.
We were going to my grandmom's house. And in this house lived (at that time) my Grandmother, my Grandfather, my uncle and my cousin.

So, one day after September 18 (because this day is my grandfather's birthday) we all met with more family (my great aunt and two cousins) and then we went to a plot of land of my uncle's.

The plot was very extensive, with a lot of grass and trees, and the day was very sunny.

The meal was a little desorganized. My dad, with my granfather and my uncle prepared a barbecue, vegetable kebabs and we carried meat and cheese empanadas too.

Meanwhile, my cousin and me flew a kite. And the winter put the kite infront of the sun... and I almost went blind!
Later all play a traditional and old play that my dad teach us.

I don't remember so much this day, but I know that I eat much delicious food and that we play and run for all the plot.

And finally, in the night, before come back to home, I remember that we did a big campfire under the stars.

This was the best way of end this GREAT DAY!!

viernes, 28 de junio de 2019



This is a book.

"hush, hush" is a book. Exactly my favorite book.

I could say that this was the book that introduce me in the reading world. Technically is true, but not one hundred percent, because previously I read other book named "Ghost Girl".
But "hush, hush" is special.

This was the 2nd book that I decided read on my own (apart of the school books).

But I don't buy this book... this book came to me.
In my 13st birthday my uncle give me "hush, hush".
He said me: "The saleswoman said me that this is a book very popular into the teenagers, so I bought it".

I don't remember my exact reaction in that moment, but I was ver happy with my new book. I took the book and read the back cover... and like by magic I was facinated with what it related. I started to read the book inmediatly (yess, in that precise moment).

And... well... I finished the book that same day.

It was really crazy. And maybe very obssesed... I think.

BUT! Even so I enjoyed every part of the book, every word, every paragraph, every dialogue... all! But yess, I admit that was very crazy. I read for first time so fast. Definitly with passion (too much).

"hush, hush", very basicly is a story about Fallen Angels. But is not only this, because it have romcance, mistery, drama, fantasy... is the best!
In theory is a book with many tipycal "cliches" like all others teen books. But anyway is exciting, interesting, trappering, enveloping and so much more.

Since the first time that I read it, I have read it nine times more. Ten in total.
And well, now this is a saga of four book. All equally good.
... And now was confirmed the film (I only hope that they don't do it wrong)

Definitly is a book that all lover of the supernatural should read.

jueves, 27 de junio de 2019

Photograph Camera


Today the technology is a basiclly element in the life of the whatever person, especially a who born in this century.

Well, yess, I born in the past millenium, but only for two years (in 1998). Even so I can't considerate to me like a technologic person. In general I don't use so much the typical technological devices. I don't watch so much the TV, almost don't use my computer, nor I know use very well a Play Station. What I use the most is the cell phone, but it is by habit, because sometime I leave it aside too. 

I think that the two technological things that more I like is: 

1. The photograph camera 
Maybe include the cell phone camera.. but more like a professional camera.. or however type of photograph camera.

2. A music player 
Like a mp3/mp4, an iPod... and the music player of cell phone.

Well, if we think better... the cell phone is really an artifact very complete in every way. And for this reason I could considerate like my favorite technological artifact. But I feel that it isn't.
The problem is that I think that the music is something basic and important in many ways in my life, but....

I choose the Photograph Camera.

When I was around 15 years old I recived a camera on Christmas. This was not a professional camera, but I was very very happy with it.
I walked with the camera wherever and I took photos to all.

And well, I think that since then I love take photos. But now I don't have a camera, then I take the pictures with my cell phone (and I take a picture whenever I see the opportunity)
But I will love have a professional camera. It's like a little dream.

And all this is because I love capture special situations, beautifull places or only simple things from an angle in that all can looks wonderful. Finally they become beautiful memories.

... The Photograph is really amazing!!

My Best Friend (BFF)


In my life I have a person very special: My Best Friend.

Her name is Camila and she is a person very important to me. 
We have a story quite long about how we become friends.

I will tell the story for steps:

We met around of the 5 or 6 yeras old. 
We were in the same school ("P" school) for 5 year, but we don't were together all this time. 
First we got together only in kinder. After, was in 4th Grade.
Then she changed of school (at "B" school) and we lost touch.
Three years passed and I changed of school (at "G" school).
But it turn out that one year before she changed school again. At "G" school!
Then now we were in the same school again!. It's like the destiny.
But we don't get together inmediatly.
In my 2nd year in the "G" school, we begin to get together again. 

And since then we don't separe anymore.
Well, obviuosly when the school ended, and the University started, we saw each other less.
But even so we are Best Friends yet.
We always support each other. And we see us little, but when we meet is as if the time had not passed.
And we do meetings and improvised pijamadas (the best ones)

Now we have 5 year of friends.
Our Friendship Aniversary is on 31st, Agosto.
And this year we turn 6 years!

But is not really necesary count every year, because this is a Frienship FOR LIFE <3.

An Artist that I WOULD See...


First of all, I should say that I don't have a favorite Group, Band or  Musical Artist.

Secondly, I will tell that I never have gone to a concert. None kind of concert.

And Third: Go to a concert is not a activity that capt so much my atention unless that I'm going to see someone that I really want to see.

I know, all this is a lot of strange, but this don't means that I wouldn't want to go to a concert. Or that I don't listen music, or that I don't have artists that I like. To the contrary, I seriuosly enjoy listen music. REALLY!

I think that I am more of those persons that listen a bit of everything, and that every so often they become temporarily obsessed with some genre or new artist discovered. But finally I always come back to the same music.

But well, some of the artists and groups that "more" I like (because I like the most of his songs) are: Linkin Park, Ed Sheeran, Alex Ubago, Chayanne and Juanes. Principally.
I am sure that I would enjoy to go to a concert of someone of this artists that I mention, but it doesn't seem so so exiting.


A concert that I would like to go for real is the Lollapalooza. Because this is an event that have many artists and groups of diferents genres of music and you can go to see who you want. It's great.

Also I really really would like to go to see a Electronica concert, like of Alan Walker or Marshmello. That would be very crazy!!

All the lights, all the sound, all the people jumping and dancing, the euphoria of the moment. That would be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.

I'm feeling exited only of think on this!!!

sábado, 8 de junio de 2019

A walk for do Again...


I have a memory.

Many years ago, when I was a child, my family (my mom, my dad, my brother, my sister, my aunt, my uncle, my cousin, my grandmother and my gradfather) and me were going to Las Termas de Chillan frequently for the summer vacations.
This is a place very beautiful if you like the nature. Everything is forest and hills, rivers, clean air... I love it!! (and is so quiet)

Well, when I was around 12 years old, we went there in the summer. We rent two cabins and we stayed in this place like two weeks.
In all this time we did many things and we visted places like the hot springs, different rivers, and obviously Chillan and its surroundings.

One day, after lunch, my uncle said "Let's walk to the top of the hill". And we did it! This was amazing!

We walk so much in the hills, inside the woods.

But I have a special memory in these walk travels: I remember one day (I think was the first day that we went to walk.. but I don't really sure) that all we (except my grandparents) went to explored the territory, and discovered new things. This day was very magic.
We walk through a path of hanging branches and other path with flowers on the ground. It was exceptionally gorgeous. It was like a fantasy world.
Finally, we found a big, gigantic, enormous TREE! With a width trunk, long limbs and big and tangled roots. This was undoubtedly really majestic.

Imagen relacionada
I would like show you the photo that my dad took me with this exceptional discovery, but I don't know where are the photos of this travel (*I'm crying*). For now I will put a picture of a tree similar to the one I found.

(I could not catch a photo that did it justice (*I'm crying again*))

viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019

One of my Hobbies


In my free time I can consider myself a big Reader.

I'll tell you my story of how this started.
Well, when I was like 13 years old I began to read. I had a back injury and for this reason I couldn't play in the breakes with all my friends.
Then, I read.

First my parents gave me a book that I want about a girl. She died at the beginning of the story eating a gummy bear. I know, it is so strange.
But later, on my birthday, my uncle give me a fantasy book about Fallen Angeles. This book was so good to me, that I finished loveing to read.

Since then I have read many book of all types, all kinds.
Simply I love to read. I always read when I can... and when I can't too.
I can read in whichever situation. I read: on my bed, in the livingroom, in bus, in the pool, in the beach, in the car traveling, on vacations, eating (but with care), in the midle of a lot of commotion, with music... in all the possible ways!!

For me to read is like a distraction of all the things in the reality. I can immerse myself in a new and fascinating world with stories and adventures. All things are possible in these worlds!

I can read, fantasy, mystery, suspense, sci-fi, romance. I LOVE the physical books, but I can read on the internet too. For example, in general I read physical books, but I also read mangas (it is like a Japanese Comic) then I read always on pages of internet.

And then, basically I read whatever, whenever, whichever, for the time that I can (It can be for minutes or for hours), sometimes all days, sometimes once or twice in the week. And I only need a book or my cell phone or something I want to read. It is very sporadic!

And you?... Do you like read?

sábado, 18 de mayo de 2019

My Dream Job


In the future, if I could, I would to be a WRITER. Is my dream job!

First: I love read all type of books. Fantasy, ci-fi, suspense, horror, mistery, love, romantic comedy and many others.
In my free time I'm alway read a book, whichever.
Well, in differents moments I like to read differnt genre of books depending on that I want to read in that moment. But in general I read Fantasy in any moment.

Second: I love to write my owns stories. I don't think than this is an easy job for many reasons. You need be a creative person because you will have that invent many (many) stories and things in this stories, characters, places, aventures, plots... you will have to create a world in your mind!!

And then...

Third: Create a world is not enough because you must also know how to write it. A person who wants to be a writer will have to be able to write the story in a good sequence so that it makes sence and coherence.
But when someone create a storie is not necesary keep an order in the steps of the creation process. You can to write like you want.
For example, I write many notes of alls the ideas that I have in differents moments or things that I see in my dreams and then with this I creat a story (or some) and write it.

I can do all this things, and for this reason I think I would be a good writer. I have a very active imagination, I know how write a story, I create differents worlds in my mind easly all the time... and I love it!!

One of my greatest inspirations in this world of writers is J.K. Rowling. She is the creator of the Harry Potter's world, and I not only love this saga, I also admire his creation and his imagination.

I would love be a writer now but is a job that need many time and dedication. For this, I think it will take a little time (not very short) but that someday...

... I will be a writer.

viernes, 17 de mayo de 2019

A Family Photograph :3


I would to tell you about a photo very special to me.

This is a family photo. It is very old for me because in this picture I had around four years old. In it appears my grand parents (parents of my dad), my brother, my cousin and me.

I was very little in this picture and for this I don't have in my memory the rememberance of the moment when this photo was taken. But I can imagine the context because my mom told me many storys of the things that I don't remember. Then:

When I was a kid, my family (my parents and my brother... and now my sister) and me traveled very frequetly to the natal city of my father (Talca) because in this city we have many family. And we went to stay always to my Grand Parents House, and in this house also live my cousin and my uncle (brother of my dad). My aunt (sister of my dad) traveled too. And we all celebrated different celebrations like Chrismas, the 18 of September, New Year, birthdays, Easter and others. I think that this photo was taken on a New Year, and that who took it was me uncle. I don't know really why but I feel this.

This photo was taken possibly in 2000. Today, I can't take other photos like this because my grand mother doesn't stay with us in the present, and for this reason when I see this photo now I feel that it is an important moment in the memories of my childhood, that I do not remember but that was captured in a pretty photograph.

viernes, 26 de abril de 2019

A TV program of My Chilhood


I want to talk about a TV program that I enjoyed very much when I was a little person.
The name of this program is Inuyasha, and it is an anime. I could consider this program like my favorite series of my childhood.

When I was 6 or 7 years old in the TV there had been many animated programs and some of these are Animes. I saw many other series, and my friends saw them too, but I think that this anime left a mark to me. I saw Inuyasha whitout fail all the afternoons.

Resultado de imagen para inuyasha
Contextualizeing, the plot of Inuyasha is about a girl named Kagome (Aome in Latin America) that lived in a temple and on her birthday day number 15, when she went to find her cat near the well, the seal of the well broke and a monster women centipede captured Aome and carried her to the bottom of the well. Aome got free of this terrifying monster, but when she went up and outside of the well she saw that this place was not her house, She was sent to 500 years in the past!

Basicly this is the way the story of this series began.

Inuyasha was broadcast from  October 16th, 2000, until Marzo 29th 2010. but I did not see this series at the same times because I saw this anime in Spanish. For this reason I saw Inuyasha after the dubbing to Latin American.

And I loved and love this series because it has fantasy, history, love, drama, action and other things. The characters are very interesting and funny, and you feel affection for them.

And obviusly I reccommend it too...

viernes, 12 de abril de 2019

Cities I'd like to visit...


One of the countries that I'd love to visit most is Japan. Because I think that the japanise culture is very extensive and beautiful in so many ways.

I don't know really many places in the japanise cities, but I grew up watching Japanise Animation, more known as Anime, and for this reason I feel so near to all the japanise traditions and other things of this culture.

I would like to stay one day in Japon form New Year, go to visit a temple, eat traditional sweets in Osakka and use a yukata in Hakone, like other nipon persons.

Also, I'd like to visit many places of Japan for the architecture in these cities. For example: Fushimi Inari Taisha, in Kioto and walk under the tunnel of arcs;

Other cities in Japan that I'd like to visit are: Tokyo, Kobe and Nagoya.

And finally I think that I would like to vist all the places shown in the animes that I have seen in my life (and it is many many places).

Resultado de imagen para japon inari taisha
(Inari Taisha)

And you? Would you be interested to visit Japan?

viernes, 5 de abril de 2019

This is ME


My name is Catalina. I am 20 years old and my birthday is on 24th, June. I live with my family, here in Santiago since I have memories.
My family is made up of: my dad, my mom, my little brother and my little sister. I have two cats, their names are Perla and Laura.

My favorite animal is the Panda.
I like to listen to music but my favorite music is Rock music.
Also, I love to take Photos in diferents perspects with my cell phone but I would like to have a professional camera.
Finally, but not less important: I love to read all types of books in my free time. And I love to write my own stories, too.

And this is me.