martes, 8 de octubre de 2019



If I could have a one-on-one conversation, with whatever person in the existence of the world, probably I chose to one especific person of the past:

Leonardo Da Vinci.

Resultado de imagen para da vinciI don't remember exactly how (or when) I hear about Da vinci for firts time. But possibly was when I was a child, because I have in my memory images about his pictures or his works, that I think to saw in the cartoons in the TV, or that my teachers mentioned in classes.

Da Vinci was a polymath. He had knowledge about many differents topicts and he learned to do about so many works. He could to do a little of everything.
He was really awesome!!

Imagen relacionadaI think that initialy when I hear about Da Vinci, and saw his paints I felt admiration, but in these moment he wasn't yet really interesting to me. 

Later, when I was an adolecent, and could understand more about him, I began to know his life, his talents, and all his work. 
And now I really admire to Da Vinci. Is like an inspiration to me.
For this reason in my last year of the school I did my last and important homework inspired on Da Vinci. 
I wrote something like a parchment, and I wrote this like Da Vinci wrote: REVERSED.
Yess, is incredible.
He wrote reversed (like something normal) because he didn't want that other persons could to read and understand his ideas... and maybe steal them.
Also, I take one of his architecture maps, and did a scale model of this (that was and model that Da Vinci never build in the real life)

Imagen relacionadaAnd well, if I could go to the past, or travel trought in the time (with a time machine, I suppose), definitly I go to talk with Leonardo Da Vinci, although at first I would not know what to say. I really would want (and need) to aks al types of questions.
But I have someone important thing that I want to know, I would say:
"Where do you get all your inspiration?"

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