jueves, 10 de octubre de 2019

A challenge that I Overcame...


When I was child, in the school, I couldn't write or elaborate on the answers in the exams.

This was a very very VERY dificult to me.
And in the Language class I really couldn't do practically nothing.
This was something that prevented me express myself in anything that I could think about any topic.

When I was in 7th grade, my Language teacher was very strict with everything related to writing.
She said me: "You need think what you feel about something, you can try to express this thinkings in words, and then you will could capture it in the paper".
Back then, I thought that these was imposible to me. 
Initially I seriously wanted to hate this teacher. But, I couldn't. 
Because she was a VERY stric teacher, (and because I hated to write) but she had a big heart.
She believed in me.
Probably the easyest part to learn to write was the works about diferents books.
Because I love reading, and starting there was less difficult and unknown.
And she said: "It's a matter of practice".
I tryed, tryed, and tryed....
And slowly I could to write more and more.

Finaly the teacher said me that I was her student that better write.
It was a hard road, but it was worth it.
And I was rewarded for it (only to learn).

Then: I overcame that obstacle and reached a great goal that seemed unattainable.

And... today, write is one of the things that I enjoy doing the most.

A Sight to the Future...


"The Future"...
The future offers you an unlimited amount of possibilities that you could imagine.
Well, I think that the future is totally unpreductable.
I can do plans to the future, but I can't even know what will happen tomorrow.
This is a first indication very disconcerting.

I think that the first part is have aspirations to the future, goals, and some plans... but above all live the present thinking in a near future.

For example, now (probably) we can say that the wolrd is dying.
Then, in 30 years more... I don't really know how will is the wolrd. Maybe is a horrible future, maybe is a utopic future. (sorry, the books stories influence me a little jeje)

Then, 10 years is less time... 
If I think, in 10 years in the future I think that the wolrd will be hotter, less green, more little, more dry.... more ugly.
Probably, the society (just maybe) will be more tolerant, more comprehensive, more consciuos, more including.... I hope.
Or also could be quite the opposite.

The people sometimes is contradictory.
Like Einstein said: "Human stupidity knows no bounds"

If I think in 10 years in the future in my life, I could say that I will am an Architect, I would like to have a book (yes, my own book). Probably I will have a boyfirend or a husband (I don't know).
Maybe we could have a child.
And obviously I will live in my own house (or apartment).
I think that probably I will am a person that will do many things like work, because always I have been MULTIFACETED.

I remember that some years ago I had a "Life Plan" or something like that. But today I can say that plan died. More and less, or at least the deadlines. But this not affect to me. Just understended that the life doesn't work as a schedule to meet. 
It's freer. And I like it.

... But if I really think in the future like a very unlikely probability... in MY future... I only think one thing:
Whaterver thing that I will doing in that moment... 
I hope to be HAPPY ^-^

martes, 8 de octubre de 2019

My First Birthday


I don't know if this count like remember, but now I want to talk about my first bithday.

I only can to talk about this because my mom tell me about this moment. 
I don't rememeber anything about this day.
But my parents have some photos and one video of this "event".
I have not seen this things for a long time. But I will talk about what I remember of the memory.

Really this was a simple celebration.

I am the eldest of my brothers and me, and for this I was the first babe of my parents.
In this time we were a family of only three persosns: My dad, my mom and me.
And when I born my parents lived with my great-granmother. Then, I lived in these house around of three years (when my brother born).

Well, this was a winter day (24th, June), was cloudy, and I suppose that cold, because in the video all we are warp up.
In my first celebration for exist in this world we were: My great-grandmother, my mom, my dad, one uncle and me. Only we.

I know that they sang me the "Happy Birthday" song, with a sponge cake (I still didn't have teeth).
I had gifts (of wich I don't remember).
And, if I remember correctly, I think that when they sing me "Hapy Birthday" song I began to cry.
(I'm sorry, I don't knew why they sang)

And, that is all. 
I only thinked that would interesting try to remember my first birthday, because is a situation in our lifes that no one really remember, and probably in the future I could forget this too.

(If I found a picture of this day I will put here)



If I could have a one-on-one conversation, with whatever person in the existence of the world, probably I chose to one especific person of the past:

Leonardo Da Vinci.

Resultado de imagen para da vinciI don't remember exactly how (or when) I hear about Da vinci for firts time. But possibly was when I was a child, because I have in my memory images about his pictures or his works, that I think to saw in the cartoons in the TV, or that my teachers mentioned in classes.

Da Vinci was a polymath. He had knowledge about many differents topicts and he learned to do about so many works. He could to do a little of everything.
He was really awesome!!

Imagen relacionadaI think that initialy when I hear about Da Vinci, and saw his paints I felt admiration, but in these moment he wasn't yet really interesting to me. 

Later, when I was an adolecent, and could understand more about him, I began to know his life, his talents, and all his work. 
And now I really admire to Da Vinci. Is like an inspiration to me.
For this reason in my last year of the school I did my last and important homework inspired on Da Vinci. 
I wrote something like a parchment, and I wrote this like Da Vinci wrote: REVERSED.
Yess, is incredible.
He wrote reversed (like something normal) because he didn't want that other persons could to read and understand his ideas... and maybe steal them.
Also, I take one of his architecture maps, and did a scale model of this (that was and model that Da Vinci never build in the real life)

Imagen relacionadaAnd well, if I could go to the past, or travel trought in the time (with a time machine, I suppose), definitly I go to talk with Leonardo Da Vinci, although at first I would not know what to say. I really would want (and need) to aks al types of questions.
But I have someone important thing that I want to know, I would say:
"Where do you get all your inspiration?"

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2019

A Family member


I love all the memebers in my family, but today I want to talk about especificly of one person:

My Cousin.

His name is Felipe, and he is 23 years old..
In fact his birthday was three days ago (in the 9th September).

Our relationship is very close, he is my more closer cousin.
First. because he is the son of the brother of my father.
And second, just because.

We don't see each other very often, because he lives in Talca.
(My dad is of Talca, then his father, my uncle is of Talca too, and they live there)

Even so, in general, we see in the holydays (but not always).
And in the rest of time we talk for Whatsapp from time to time.

He is a person very important to me because is a brother to me.
Since I have memory we always played meny many plays like, hide and seek, or play station, or we play in the pool, or with the ball... and many plays more. We played whatever thing.

We grow up together, then his existence is very important to my for many reasons.
I have so much memories with him.

And I remember one day in the summer vacation, around of the year 2012, when we have 14 and 12 years old (more or less) and as he is a little more old that me, sometimes I was influenced to him. And this day He had the idea of not dream this nigth and see the twilight in the morning.
But finally I was very sleepy and we went to sleep.
Equally is a good an fany memory.

And I hope do many memories more.

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

My Best HOLIDAY...


Around about 2012, when I was 14 years old, my family and me went to Las Termas De Chillan in the summer vacations. Specifically we went to a cabin that we have in this area.
And I remember that this was the first time that we went to "The Cabin", when this was newly built (because building it took a long time).

The trip between Santiago and Chillan is around seven hours. I'm not really sure if it was for this reason, but we stayed there for two weeks. But it was even longer, because we met with more family in the way.

In this travel I went with my mom, my dad, my brother, my sister (we are from Santiago), and my uncle, my cousin, my grandfather and my grandmother (they are from Talca).

I think that this was one of my best, and my favorite travels in a holiday for differents reasosns:

1st. We visited many places, like two or three diferent thermal springs. And one of them had a water slide. But the big pool was the better part.

2nd. We ate some things very delicious. We ate "Mote con Huesillo" (but I ate without Huesillo), it was so cold and sweet. Also we drank a milkshake of berrys, and I loved it.

3rd. And the best part was visiting the surrounding places. For example, we walk for the forest, and we discovered places so beautiful. Also we went to the river and I found amazing stones. And we bathed there because in the summer this is a very hot place.

But in the night it is quite the opposite. The weather is so cold!! And we wraped up and we went out to see the stars.

Probably this last was the BEST part of all the travel.

jueves, 22 de agosto de 2019

A Villian that I LIKE...


Well, I don't really "like" this villian, but I even so can hate them. He is this types of villians that is the GREATEST VILLIAN of this movie, but you can hate them for differents reasons.

And this villian is....


(Or Tom Marvolo Riddle)

Lord Voldemort is the principal villian of the Harry Potter Saga (books and movies). Along of this movies the story present you many and differents villians, but Voldemort is THE VILLIAN. 
Without him probably we don't have a story to tell, and in this magic, fantasy, fictitious world a catastrophe wouldn't happen.

I saw this villian/movie for first time when I was very little, in fact I was so so little that I couldn't really understen the plot of the movie.
But I would can say that the first time that I remember was around to when I went on 1st Grade of the school (probably... mabye I have a more old remember, I don't know exactly).

The interesting of Lord Volvemort, and the reason for that I think that is not a horrible villian, is His Past. His past help you to understand that he is not just because.
I'm not justifying it, but he suffered so much in his chilhood. 
He was abandoned by his family.
And lived in a orphanage. 

And he HATE the world for this reason.