jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

My Best HOLIDAY...


Around about 2012, when I was 14 years old, my family and me went to Las Termas De Chillan in the summer vacations. Specifically we went to a cabin that we have in this area.
And I remember that this was the first time that we went to "The Cabin", when this was newly built (because building it took a long time).

The trip between Santiago and Chillan is around seven hours. I'm not really sure if it was for this reason, but we stayed there for two weeks. But it was even longer, because we met with more family in the way.

In this travel I went with my mom, my dad, my brother, my sister (we are from Santiago), and my uncle, my cousin, my grandfather and my grandmother (they are from Talca).

I think that this was one of my best, and my favorite travels in a holiday for differents reasosns:

1st. We visited many places, like two or three diferent thermal springs. And one of them had a water slide. But the big pool was the better part.

2nd. We ate some things very delicious. We ate "Mote con Huesillo" (but I ate without Huesillo), it was so cold and sweet. Also we drank a milkshake of berrys, and I loved it.

3rd. And the best part was visiting the surrounding places. For example, we walk for the forest, and we discovered places so beautiful. Also we went to the river and I found amazing stones. And we bathed there because in the summer this is a very hot place.

But in the night it is quite the opposite. The weather is so cold!! And we wraped up and we went out to see the stars.

Probably this last was the BEST part of all the travel.

jueves, 22 de agosto de 2019

A Villian that I LIKE...


Well, I don't really "like" this villian, but I even so can hate them. He is this types of villians that is the GREATEST VILLIAN of this movie, but you can hate them for differents reasons.

And this villian is....


(Or Tom Marvolo Riddle)

Lord Voldemort is the principal villian of the Harry Potter Saga (books and movies). Along of this movies the story present you many and differents villians, but Voldemort is THE VILLIAN. 
Without him probably we don't have a story to tell, and in this magic, fantasy, fictitious world a catastrophe wouldn't happen.

I saw this villian/movie for first time when I was very little, in fact I was so so little that I couldn't really understen the plot of the movie.
But I would can say that the first time that I remember was around to when I went on 1st Grade of the school (probably... mabye I have a more old remember, I don't know exactly).

The interesting of Lord Volvemort, and the reason for that I think that is not a horrible villian, is His Past. His past help you to understand that he is not just because.
I'm not justifying it, but he suffered so much in his chilhood. 
He was abandoned by his family.
And lived in a orphanage. 

And he HATE the world for this reason.

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2019

A Family Meal...


In my chilhood I have very special moments with my family that I save with much love. But I have a memory that I remember like a very pretty and nice day.
I don't remember so clearly this day, but I remember this:

When I was around 12 years old, on the 18th of September Vacations my family (my parents, and my brother and sister) and me went to Talca for this week, and same as all years.
We were going to my grandmom's house. And in this house lived (at that time) my Grandmother, my Grandfather, my uncle and my cousin.

So, one day after September 18 (because this day is my grandfather's birthday) we all met with more family (my great aunt and two cousins) and then we went to a plot of land of my uncle's.

The plot was very extensive, with a lot of grass and trees, and the day was very sunny.

The meal was a little desorganized. My dad, with my granfather and my uncle prepared a barbecue, vegetable kebabs and we carried meat and cheese empanadas too.

Meanwhile, my cousin and me flew a kite. And the winter put the kite infront of the sun... and I almost went blind!
Later all play a traditional and old play that my dad teach us.

I don't remember so much this day, but I know that I eat much delicious food and that we play and run for all the plot.

And finally, in the night, before come back to home, I remember that we did a big campfire under the stars.

This was the best way of end this GREAT DAY!!